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The Plumtree Marketing Blog

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Marketing tips, thoughts and expert advice for small business owners and other professionals
Common Punctuation Errors II

Common Punctuation Errors II

My last article on common punctuation errors was so popular (click here if you missed it) that I decided to write another! As I’ve seen in my editing work, there’s a lot of confusion out there regarding proper punctuation. Where do you put the apostrophe? Should I use...

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Headline Writing 101

Headline Writing 101

I have a confession to make. I often struggle with writing headlines. In fact, I can recall more than a few instances in which it took me longer to write a five-word headline than to write the other 450 words on the page! Why? Because the headline can be the most...

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The Danger of Pre-Scheduling Posts

The Danger of Pre-Scheduling Posts

On a recent drive home from visiting my mother, who lives about 70 miles north of me, the messaging on the big digital freeway signs caught my eye. These are the signs that the government uses to announce traffic problems, remind people not to drink and drive, etc. ...

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Commonly Confused Words II

Commonly Confused Words II

Last year’s article on commonly confused words was so popular (click here if you missed it) that I thought I’d tackle another set of words that tend to cause confusion. It’s easy to mix these words up – especially since your word processing program’s spell checker...

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7 Easy Ways to Prevent Sales

7 Easy Ways to Prevent Sales

Does your company have a “Sales Prevention Department”? Even if you don’t have a formal department with this name, if your organization’s actions are preventing sales, then the net effect is the same. Here are seven easy ways to sabotage your sales efforts:  Be rude...

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Put It On the Calendar

Put It On the Calendar

As 2023 winds to a close, now is the perfect time to reflect upon your marketing efforts of the past year so you can move forward with creating a plan for 2024. What worked and what didn’t work? Just as importantly, what great ideas either did not get properly...

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